
Archive of events

08. - 10.03.2016 London (UK)


Ecobuild is the leading UK exhibition and conference for the construction and energy market, inspiring over 44,000 industry professionals from across the supply chain. read more

08. - 11.03.2016 Hamburg, HafenCity University (HCU)

SBE 16 Hamburg conference

Under the following aspects of “strategies, stakeholders, success factors” the SBE16 conference in Hamburg covers a range of topics relevant for the future of a more sustainable built environment, both on a global and on a regional level but also on building and product level. read more

16. - 18.03.2016 Frankfurt (Germany)

9th International Conference Improving Energy Efficiency in Commercial Buildings and Smart Communities (IEECB&SC’16)

The IEECB&SC’16 conference will take place on 16-18 March 2016 in Frankfurt during Light+Building, the world’s leading trade fair for Architecture and Technology. read more

26. - 28.04.2016 Montreal

4th International Conference on Sustainable Remediation (SustRem)

The 4th International Conference on Sustainable Remediation (SustRem) aims to stimulate international exchange by providing a venue for professionals and interested parties from multiple backgrounds to share experiences and perspectives on how contaminated sites can be remediated with a lower environmental footprint, and how their reuse can contribute to a more sustainable land development. read more

27. - 29.04.2016 Bilbao, Spain

8th European Conference on Sustainable Cities & Towns

Through the Aalborg Charter and Commitments, thousands of local governments in Europe have committed to enhancing the sustainability of their urban areas. read more

02.05.2016 Karlsruhe, Germany

Connect Ideas2Business

The "Connect Ideas2Business 2016" Conference offers technology providers and technology users the exclusive chance to establish joint business opportunities. read more