Fundació Privada Universitat i Tecnologia

Organisation description:
Fundació Privada Universitat i Tecnologia (FUNITEC) is represented in this project by the research group ARC Engineering and Architecture La Salle. ARC is a multidisciplinary university-based research group specialised in the design, development and implementation of ICT solutions for the AEC sector. The group has specialised in the application of semantic technologies to create energy information systems aimed at improving energy efficiency of buildings and urban areas.
ARC has coordinated the FP7 project SEMANCO - “Semantic tools for carbon reduction in urban planning” (, 2011-2014). The result of this project has been the EECITIES platform ( that supports planners, energy consultants and policy makers to make informed decisions to improve the energy efficiency of urban areas. Previously, the group has led the research project REPENER - “Control and improvement of buildings energy efficiency by means of repositories” (, 2009-2012). The result of REPENER has been SEIS (, a semantic energy information system which integrates multiple data sources (energy certificates, cadastre, energy consumption) and facilitates its access for the different actors involved in the retrofitting of buildings (design teams, owners, facilities managers, energy consultants).
Contribution to OptEEmAL:
ARC is responsible for the deployment of the ontologies-based District Data Model and the data repository that will form the core of the OptEEmAL platform. Besides, the group contributes to the creation of the Energy Conservation Measures catalogue and to the design of the platform.
Contact persons:

Leandro Madrazo
Phone: +34932902449
Role in the project: Design and integration of the ontology-based district data model in the OPTEEMAL platform; platform design and GUIs. Main contact for FUNITEC

Álvaro Sicilia
Phone: +34932902449
Role in the project: Leader of WP 2 “Ontology-based District Data Model and Data Repository”. Main technical contact for ontology engineering.

Gonçal Costa
Phone: +34932902449
Role in the project: Main technical contact for IFC standards, BIM interoperability and IPD.