Fomento San Sebastián

Organisation description:
Fomento San Sebastián (FSS) is the municipal company dedicated to the economic and social development and promotion of the city of Donostia - San Sebastian (Spain), through innovation, knowledge generation and transformation, networking, and project fostering and management, all under sustainability criteria.
FSS is the coordinator of Smart activities in the city. As part of its Smart strategy, the City Council through FSS has already developed an Energy Master Plan in the Urumea Riverside District and a Smart City Plan 2016-2020 under the STEEP project (funded by EU-FP7).
Contribution to OptEEmAL:
FSS, as Development Agency of the City of San Sebastian and coordinator of Smart activities in the city, will coordinate the pilot in the city.
Main tasks of FSS will be:
- Management of the local team
- Coordination, preparation and delivery of workshops for preparation of the tool (type of information, displays, etc.)
- Coordination, preparation and delivery of workshops for training in the use of the tool (mainly addressed to local companies, architects, etc.)
- Gathering of information: socio-economic data, type of buildings, landlords and tenants information if needed, etc.
- Coordination of citizen participation and residents' involvement in the selection of the best choice.
- General management and dissemination issues related to the project.
Contact persons:

Gorka Diez
Role in the project: Management Issues

Iker Martinez
Role in the project: Technical issues

Ana Aizpuru
Role in the project: Project Leader