Distretto Tecnologico Trentino

Organisation description:
The Italian partner DTTN (Distretto Tecnologico Trentino), promoted by the Autonomous Province of Trento and recognised by the Ministry of Universities and Research, is the result of the cooperation between the University of Trento, research laboratories, private companies and local institutions, with the aim of creating specialised production chains in the field of sustainable buildings, renewable energy sources and intelligent territorial management technologies. In these three key fields, DTTN offers services, supports innovation and development of supply chains, creating innovative marketing infrastructures through the development of sustainable projects. Today, DTTN is a technological cluster with approximately 180 members, representing over 300 companies, mainly dedicated to the green building design. Promoting member and main sponsor of GBC Italia, DTTN introduced LEED™ (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) in Italy as the most appropriate rating system to help Italian companies foster innovation and competitiveness in the sustainable building field.
Contribution to OptEEmAL:
DTTN will guarantee a large involvement of actors such as professional designers and small and medium sized companies interested in participating in this project and in the dissemination activities that will present the benefits. Our contribution in the project is mainly focused on supporting the test of the software developed for the retrofit analysis of existing buildings in different districts.
Contact persons:

Micol Mattedi
E-mail: europe@dttn.it, micol.mattedi@dttn.it
Phone: +390464443455
Role in the project: Project Coordinator

Andrea Carabalona
Role in the project: Main technical contact