CARTIF Technology Centre

Organisation description:
CARTIF Technology Centre is a leading Spanish Applied Research Centre in terms of R&D and technology transfer activities, created in 1994 and formed up by some 200 researchers. Energy is one of the main research areas of CARTIF and this group is focused on Energy Efficiency, Energy Saving, Integration of Renewable Energy Systems, the Electricity Market, Demand Response, Smart Grids etc.
CARTIF's participation in international activities is promoted through the International Projects Department. Currently, CARTIF participates in 40 international projects, including 14 FP7 projects (five of them coordinated by CARTIF) and three projects funded within Horizon 2020 (one of them coordinated by CARTIF).
Coordinated projects include BaaS - “Buildings as a Service (Ecosystem)”; R2CITIES - “Renovation of Residential urban spaces: towards nearly zero energy CITIES”; CITyFiED - “RepliCable and InnovaTive Future Efficient Districts and cities” and the H2020 lighthouse project REMOURBAN - “REgeneration MOdel for accelerating the smart URBAN transformation”.
CARTIF is the Spanish National Liaison Point of the European E2BA (Energy Efficient Buildings Association). Additionally, CARTIF is one of the founding members and main promoters of the Smart City VyP initiative, carried out in the Spanish cities of Valladolid and Palencia (
Contribution to OptEEmAL:
CARTIF is project coordinator of OptEEmAL and in charge of the overall platform design, guiding technical and management activities to successfully carry out the envisaged tasks and to ensure the project objectives completion at its finalisation. CARTIF does also contribute to the IPD approach implementation, to the data model development and to the ECMs catalogue development, given its experience in these fields. Within the overall design and interoperability framework, CARTIF will also contribute to simulation tools integration and optimisation services. Finally, it will support and guide the project demonstration. As part of the exploitation, communication and dissemination activities, CARTIF will support the Communication and Dissemination Secretariat, the Cluster’s Experts Group and the Innovation Management along with the Exploitation Leader. It will also manage the Advisory Council through the planned related activities.
Contact persons:

Miguel Á. García-Fuentes
Phone: +34 983 546504
Role in the project: Coordinator and Main Technical Contact

Susana Martín
Phone: +34 983 546504
Role in the project: Coordinator Assistant and Technical Project Developer