About OptEEmAL

The design of retrofitted (energy- and resource-) efficient buildings and districts must involve all stakeholders within a collaborative approach that allows the delivery of cost-effective solutions. This is only possible through improved planning and design processes and requires consistent and error-free data sharing, proper training of stakeholders and overcoming a number of technical and industrial barriers as well as economic, societal or organisational issues occurring in the current state-of-practice. Among them are: inexistence of proper tools for holistic planning for district refurbishment; lack of interoperability among existing tools; limited access to reliable material and equipment data bases; or gaps and improvements needed in emerging technologies such as Building Information Modelling (BIM). These concerns make software vendors and stakeholders reticent to invest in the development of interoperable tools and workflows. Thereby, expected benefits both with respect to cost and quality of the end product designs are not realised.

OptEEmAL aims to overcome these obstacles. Within the project, an Optimised Energy Efficient Design Platform for refurbishment at district level will be developed, able to design energy-efficient retrofitting projects that are based on different energy conservation measures to improve the behaviour of a district. The tool will deliver an optimised, integrated and systemic design tool based on an Integrated Project Delivery (IPD) approach for building and district retrofitting projects. It will reduce time delivery and uncertainties and result in improved solutions when compared to business-as-usual practices.

Mission and Objectives: The main project objective – the development of an Optimised Energy Efficient Design Platform to improve the energy behaviour of a district – will be achieved through a mix of development and testing activities. read more

Impact: The Optimised Energy Efficient Design Platform will create the possibility for stakeholders to receive an optimised, integrated and systemic design for their retrofitting projects of buildings or entire districts. read more

Validation of the Platform in Demonstration Sites: In order to validate the OptEEmAL platform, two steps are required:

  • Testing of the platform prototype in existing innovative EU-wide energy efficient retrofitting projects at district level
  • In an ambitious final stage for the validation procedure, OptEEmAL will be used by real stakeholders to carry out energy efficient retrofitting design projects for three districts

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Partners: The OptEEmAL consortium consists of 13 partners from 8 countries (Spain, France, Italy, Greece, Turkey, Germany, Ireland and Sweden), each one contributing specific knowledge to meet OptEEmAL objectives, according to their role in the project. read more